British American Tobacco Sweden - British American Tobacco Sweden


British American Tobacco Sweden

Contact us

British American Tobacco AB
Hyllie Stationstorg 31 / Floor 14
215 32 Malmö Sweden



Press contact:

Erik A.O. Engström

+46 (0)70 449 60 10

Area Sales Managers:

Area North: Kristofer Hansen
Area East: Dennis Schöön

Area West: Johan Lindström

Area South: Samir Eriksson


British American Tobacco Sweden AB (BAT) har en lång tradition av kvalitet och noggrannhet. Vi arbetar kontinuerligt för att säkerställa att våra produkter lever upp till strikta standarder, och vi tar ansvar för att upprätthålla dessa genom åtgärder som återkallelser vid behov.

BAT:s kundkontakt har för närvarande hög belastning och det kan därför vara svårt att komma fram per telefon. Vi uppskattar ditt tålamod och hänvisar under tiden till att kontakta oss via e-post på
Vi ser till att följa upp ditt ärende så snart som möjligt.

Tack för din förståelse!


British American Tobacco Sweden AB (BAT) has a long-standing tradition of quality and precision. We continuously work to ensure our products meet strict standards and take responsibility for upholding these through measures such as recalls when necessary.

BAT’s customer service is currently experiencing a high volume of enquiries, which may make it difficult to reach us by phone. We appreciate your patience and kindly ask you to contact us via email at
We will follow up on your matter as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding!

BAT Sweden is part of the BAT Group, a leading, multi-category consumer goods business with a purpose to build A Better Tomorrow by reducing the health impact of its global business through offering a greater choice of enjoyable and less risky products for consumers. The company continues to be clear that combustible cigarettes pose serious health risks, and the only way to avoid these risks is not to start or to quit. BAT encourages those who otherwise continue to smoke to switch completely to scientifically-substantiated, reduced-risk alternatives*. BAT’s ambition is to have 50 million consumers of its non-combustible products by 2030. BAT employs over 53,000 people and operates in over 180 countries, with factories in 43. The company’s Strategic Portfolio is made up of its global cigarette brands and a growing range of reduced-risk alternatives*. These include vapour, tobacco heating products, modern oral products including tobacco-free nicotine pouches, as well as traditional oral products such as snus and moist snuff.

Harm reduction

We know tobacco products pose real and serious health risks and the only way to avoid these risks is not to use them. But many adults choose to smoke, so our top priority continues to be working towards reducing these risks and making available a range of less risky tobacco and nicotine-based alternatives.

Read more about the primary health issues of smoking, as well as understanding the relative risks of our products


For more information on BAT's sustainability agenda and progress, read the latest Sustainability Report

Our factory in Malmö, Fiedler & Lundgren AB, is certified carbon neutral for all its activities in Sweden.
 BAT Fiedler & Lundgren - PAS 2060 QES (signed) with Totum letter (1,653 kb)

Our factory in Malmö, Fiedler & Lundgren AB, has also achieved Core level certification against the AWS (Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard) International Water Stewardship Standard v2.0 in December 2023.
 BAT Fiedler & Lundgren AB - AWS Certificate (228 kb)

For more information on Fiedler & Lundgren’s work with the AWS standard, read the Progress Towards Good Water Stewardship 2024 (226 kb)



British American Tobacco Sweden AB utökar återkallelse av tobaksprodukt

* Based on the weight of evidence and assuming a complete switch from cigarette smoking. These products are not risk free and are addictive.